
Keep Moving

Human beings were designed for movement and sitting down all day long is very damaging for health. We promote movement rather than exercise as many people often envisage exercise as a big event that they have to get dressed up for and go to a gym or an exercise class. Movement just means not being still.


We promote SWAP – Stand, Walk, Push. If you have not been engaged in active movement for a long time, then it makes sense to start with standing more. You have to stand before you can walk. Walking is wonderful form of movement and will cost nothing. Then when you are ready, you push yourself with more vigorous activity.


 Movement can most certainly help with weight loss but there are many good reasons beyond weight loss to move. Being active is good for mental wellbeing and ensures good heart health and muscle strength.


Take home message –

embrace movement,

do it at your pace and enjoy it



Strength training is where we push ourselves a little bit more to put impact on our muscles and bones. As we age, we lose 5% of our bone and muscle mass for every decade after the age of 30. This is called sarcopaenia. To help combat this, regular walking and strength training is vital.


Strength training includes:

  • Disciplines like Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi which have the added benefit of helping with balance and also stretching
  • Gentle exercise classes like Fit4Life (see below)
  • Push-ups, heel lifts, lunges, weights – see Dr Rangan Chatterjee’s 5 minute kitchen workout -

Stretching muscles helps keep you supple and flexible – see Dr Rangan Chatterjee’s videos showing you how to do various simple stretching exercises at home  -

For more information and videos on Movement and Exercise – please click here

Parkrun Practice


Aspen Medical Centre is delighted to have partnered with Gloucester City Parkrun to become a ‘Parkrun Practice’. For those of you that don’t know about Parkruns, they are free nationwide events – every Saturday morning – that revolve around completing a 5km route in open spaces. Many choose to run but others push buggies, walk their dogs or amble round while chatting with friends. They are run entirely by volunteers which makes them an incredibly supportive and friendly environment to get out and feel good about yourself.

If you want to be competitive then by registering you receive a barcode that records your time and how many runs you have attended, which can also be a great motivator.

By becoming a Parkrun Practice we intend to practice what we preach (with members of staff also joining in), as well as promoting the events through posters and in consultations as a really important way you can take control of improving your own physical and mental health.

We meet every Saturday at 9am by the bandstand at Gloucester Park. All levels welcome, and dogs on leads and buggies can join in too. More information can be found here. Warning, it can become addictive!


Get Britain Standing

In recent years a variety of major international research has produced compelling evidence that sitting for more than 4 hours each day leads to:

  • Enzymes responsible for burning harmful blood fats shutting down.
  • Reduced calorie burning (Metabolic rate).
  • Disrupted blood sugar levels.
  • Increased insulin and blood pressure levels.
  • Leg muscles switch off.


Moving Medicine

In the United Kingdom, physical inactivity is the fourth greatest cause of ill health with negative impacts on health, social and economic outcomes for individuals and communities. Moving Medicine provide clinicians and allied health professionals with accessible, evidence based, collaboration with experts, professional bodies and charities representing patients and healthcare professionals in each disease area.



We’re the charity making it easier for people to walk and cycle.


We can move

We Can Move is aimed at getting everybody more active by integrating  physical activity into daily lives.

Visit the We Can Move website here


Get Fit For Free

The secret to getting fit for free is to use every opportunity to be active.

For more information please visit,

Active Gloucestershire

Get your family and friends together and run, walk or cycle as Gloucester is transformed into a giant game.


Walk 4 Life

Want to know where to walk or know how long a walk you do regularly is? Do you want to find someone to walk with? All of this is possible and more…come on in!


Benefit from Activity

Exploring the benefits activity can have on medical conditions.


Everybody active, every day

An evidence-based approach to physical activity.

For more information, please read this booklet.

Do you have older parents, family or friends that may be susceptible to falls?

Are you an older person that wants to become more active, fitter, stronger and protect yourself from falls? Fit for Life is a specifically developed exercise class for active older people.

Telephone: 01452 393 605



Health & Hustle - Join the Aspen Team

Health & Hustle (

Health and Hustle was launched in 2016 with a small number of NHS colleagues who joined together to get active and start their health & wellbeing journey. Fast forward and we now have over 650 members from across all Gloucestershire NHS organisations getting involved including our local authority and some patient groupS. Using Fitbit and social media platforms has allowed us to reach out across Gloucestershire to encourage and support members to take part in the virtual team challenges. Along with the virtual challenges we have set up after work activities such as the couch to 5km programme, walks, yoga etc. As part of developing culture change in the work Place, we have implemented walking 1:1s, stand up meetings, #GoTalk and stop sending E-mails along with the midweek walks. Health & Hustle recognised that one-size does not fit all and has allowed the programme to create an environment, promoting healthy lifestyles through fun activities, by encouraging and supporting each other to achieve active goals. So why not join us and start your active journey.


We now have an Aspen Team in the Health & Hustle. If you have a fitbit and would like to be added please get in touch with them via their website and ask to be added. Competing with teams accross the country we hope Aspen can lead the way with steps taken by members. It doesnt matter if you are walking, jogging or running, all the steps count. Join the Aspen community where we can support, motivate and share our sucesses.

Supported with twice weekly jogging groups we hope to expand the support to members of the Aspen community.